What people are saying.

  • [I've enjoyed] The personal attention and attention to detail. Knowing I can ask questions at any time and have an expert right there to help me! :)

    — Heather K.

  • Having someone take the guess work out of it for me. I don’t have to think about how to tweak my macros or workouts. I just show up every day and do what my trainer tells me to do. If I had to figure all this out on my own, I’d never accomplish what I am.

    — Nichole A.

  • I am learning so much from Amanda Kroeker. I am feeling better and stronger and I am not starving myself to lose weight.

    — Diana C.

  • Having someone take the guess work out of it for me. I don’t have to think about how to tweak my macros or workouts. I just show up every day and do what my trainer tells me to do. If I had to figure all this out on my own, I’d never accomplish what I am.

    — Marisa S.

  • I have most enjoyed the weekly check ins and help with macros and calorie setting. It has helped me remain very consistent and has provided excellent support for strength training. Knowing that the nutrition side is dialed in makes the gym more fun because I realize I am supporting my training with the right recovery fuel.

    — Matthew D.

  • I really appreciate the speed you respond to my questions/comments. My other trainer pretty much responded 3 days later, or not until check in day. I also appreciate the frequent, tiny tweaks here and there to the programming or nutrition goals. It feels very customized and intentional.

    — Sarah S.

  • [I] have enjoyed so many aspects to this program. I have enjoyed the macro charts and the ability to see my daily intake and progress. I have enjoyed the tremendous amount of support I feel through YOU, Amanda, being by my side and answering questions and giving feed back, suggestions and over all help! I get emotional too because I had struggled for so many years to loose weight and get on track nutrition wise and I am so overwhelmed and grateful to God for you and that you have these skills and knowledge to help other people like me. I also like the new weekly recipes and pictures with that. That has been very helpful to give me a clear idea of my meals and snacks.

    — Gloria G.