Personalized Workout Programming

Sidekick Nutrition Fitness Workout Programming

Submit an Initial Intake Form: The journey starts by filling out an initial intake form. This document helps me get to know you better, including your fitness goals, exercise history, and any specific preferences or limitations you might have.

Payment and Initial Assessment: After I receive your intake form, I'll reach out to discuss payment and schedule an initial assessment and goal-setting session. During this session, we'll dive deep into your objectives, ensuring we're on the same page regarding your fitness goals and the timeline for achieving them.

Access to the Coaching App: Following our initial assessment, I'll provide you with access to our specialized coaching app. This app serves as our main platform for collaboration. Here, we'll set your workout goals, track your progress, and access exercise instructions and videos. It's a comprehensive tool that allows you to input your body weight and measurements, which will help us monitor your physical changes over time.

Progressive Loading for Resistance Training or Cardio Improvements: Depending on your goals, we'll create a personalized workout plan tailored to your needs. For resistance training, we'll ensure that your program includes progressive loading to steadily increase the challenge and stimulate muscle growth. If your focus is on cardio, we'll work on pace improvements over time to enhance your endurance and performance.

Regular Check-Ins: Our collaboration doesn't end with goal setting and app access. Regular check-ins play a vital role in our process. These discussions give us the opportunity to review your recent progress, evaluate your exercise habits, and address any challenges you may be facing. Based on these conversations, I'll make any necessary adjustments to your workout plan, ensuring it remains aligned with your evolving needs and goals.

Encouragement and Small Goals: Throughout our fitness journey together, I'll provide consistent encouragement and support. We'll set smaller, attainable goals that serve as stepping stones toward your overarching fitness objectives. These incremental achievements will keep you motivated as we work together to realize your big-picture fitness goal.

Having personalized workout programming at Sidekick Nutrition and Fitness means having a dedicated partner committed to helping you achieve your fitness aspirations. Together, we'll leverage expert guidance, goal tracking, and regular check-ins to create a sustainable and successful path toward improved fitness and overall well-being.